Some browsers and typefaces support ♩ (♩) and ♪ (♪) for quarter and eighth notes, as well as ♫ (♫) and ♬ (♬) for beamed eighth-note and sixteenth-note pairs respectively, but since the display of these characters does not match any of the other (non-supported) notes and rests, this template does not use these characters. The C ♯ crops up very early in Beethoven's Symphony No. The template makes use of SVG to display double flat ( ), double sharp ( ), and microtonal signs since the corresponding Unicode characters are not widely supported. See the tables below to compare the results in your current browser. The choice of fonts also improves the rendering in other browsers on w:Microsoft Windows such as w:Mozilla Firefox. The template correctly renders Unicode sharps ( ♯), flats ( ♭), and natural signs ( ♮) in w:Internet Explorer which would otherwise display empty squares unless a full Unicode font is chosen in its Preferences.